Ismaili Center Toronto featured in AZURE Magazine’s 30th Anniversary issue
‘Lightness of Being’ story by Matthew Hague features Ismaili Centre Toronto and Aga Khan Museum in current AZURE publication.
‘Arriz Hassam’s crystalline pattern harmonizes the centres’s tranquil interior, appearing on screens, walls, stone floors and carpeting.’
‘The symbolism peaks in the prayer hall: the anteroom at the entrance is crowned by a modern take on a muqarnas ceiling, with a conical skylight at its apex,…’
‘…transparent walls etched with a motif of Hassam’s own design, based on a fractal pattern inspired by the geometries of Correa’s prayer hall dome. The pattern is repeated on the stone floors, carpeting and screens; the composition of stars and circles alludes to both celestial divinity and earthly inclusivity’
Matthew Hague
photography by Shai Gil